SPRING 2021 | First Impressions

Hello and welcome for the post no one asked for! HAH! Can’t keep me away from writing about anime when my life is, all of the sudden, opening up in all sorts of directions because of anime. I solute the craft, and now I will be slashing down some criticism on this season. So I apologize in advance for any highly adverse opinions I may have put out, as well as the ‘wow, second thought’ style of images used. Happy Spring 2021!


Alright, I was skeptical after the first couple of episodes but now I think I’m a bit more sold on this anime. Seriously, this is not one that will blow your mind, good for fans of romance and light comedy, splash of drama. I’m watching it because it is cute and the simp/rich/beautiful/playa guy matches well with the lightly weab/guarded/sweetheart type that slowly grows to accept this man-child with younger taste. So would I recommend this anime? Unless you are into romcoms with light drama then it would probably never come up.


You know, after being rejected, I also turn towards shaving and taking in runaway teenagers. Higehiro seems to have some inkling of a similar premise to Koikimo, but I think it is actually better. Essentially, teen high school runaway Sayu has been smashing crusty characters for a place to stay, when Yoshida takes her in and makes a deal: do chores for food and board. Personally, I think this premise is a bit stronger than Koikimo, and the character development has been coming along very nicely in that ‘soft smile’ slice of life kind of way. I would recommend Higehiro for people to check out, especially if they are into romcom slice of life anime.


YO! Talk about a charming anime! This is my sneaky surprise of the season, where I can’t peel my eyes away from the screen where this daily life drama captivates me with some of the most believable dialogue I’ve seen in anime. I don’t even know what to compare this to (Ping Pong, maybe?) to describe the vibe. Something about the daily life of a taxi driver as the people around him in life are slowly getting pulled into Yakuza type sketchy activities over a missing high school girl? Gah, it’s always a bout a high school girl, huh? Anyways, I highly recommend this for curious minds looking for a unique anime with smart dialogue.

Burning Kabaddi

Don’t hate on my having a thing for sports anime, there are some great sports anime out there! While that may be true, I don’t think Burning Kabaddi will join my favorites among sports anime. Don’t get me wrong, the ‘wait are all these guys gay?’ gag in this anime is especially well done and I have a good chuckle. Maybe once our ~star~ team expands the cast and starts fighting in real matches will this series really heat up. For now I am just enjoying bald Asta and gag humor, while learning some intricacies to Kabaddi, a sport I have literally never heard of before. Final say? I recommend to fans of sport anime and commedic guy groups, but would recommend a multitude of other sports animes before this one if someone was looking for the type.

My Hero Academia

Are you watching this? That is not even a question, you should be watching this. My Hero is actually so damn good you should really be tuning in. Are you tuning in yet? It is already season 5 you should have caught on by now! Seriously though, My Hero is a stellar anime, great art, storyline that keeps you interested, and amazing characters with well thought through development. Also note: Hawks is HOT, Endeavor is suddenly ?likable?, they brought back Mr. Brainwash (who was always underrated, please get this guy in Class A). Do I even need to tell you how much I recommend this series?

Fruits Basket

The Final Season is here… You should really just copy the intention I had in suggesting you watch My Hero down here because Fruits Basket is undeniably a gem. The original series was, believe it or not, the second anime I ever watched (after Ouran HSHC) and it hold a dear place in my heart. I was suspicious of this reboot, but it has absolutely smashed my expectations out of the park. Seriously, it is hard to find an anime, or even more so, a TV show, that successfully captures so many different kinds of love (parental, friendship, romantic, the intangible bonds of a zodiac curse, ect). This is a master class Shoujo. So yeah, if you are even remotely interested in Shoujo; yes, do it, watch it, prepare for your heart to shatter and heal again and again and again, you will not regret it.

To Your Eternity

Are you joking? Was the premier real? In the span of 20 minutes my hope for the future of anime dramatically increased. When I heard that it was the same creator as A Silent Voice, my heart fluttered and I understood: This is going to be good. If ODDTAXI is the offbeat hit of the season, this is just the straight up hit. Beautiful animation, character building that doesn’t feel rushed, a premise that doesn’t feel forced in the slightest. Seriously what a beautiful piece of art with a sturdy backbone. I think this anime will breed great this this season. 10/10 would recommend everyone to check it out.


You see, I wasn’t actually planning to watch this anime, then I heard a very interesting piece of information: the sequences of rhythmic gymnastics are actually created by drawing/animating over real footage, something that brings some real legitimacy an craft to this anime. I came in with low expectations regardless, expecting some Free!-type fanservice with nice dancing, but WOW! Seriously was not expecting the charm that this anime brings to the table, some sort of blending that takes the best parts of Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu to make something that I am actually looking forward to. Sneaky sneaky! So yes, I would recommend, especially if you are a fan of sporty anime.

Well, well, well, this season appears to be looking up, with a multitude of surprisingly great catches, even though there is a fair share of nonsense that I am not going to touch (not written about). Certainly the second half of this review has the better of the bunch, so I would recommend watching those last 4 if you get the chance! Until next time, when I dump my opinions and obnoxious sass and obscure (but maybe accurate) description of the animated arts. Let me know if I missed any notable catches this season!

WINTER 2021 | Watch List

Since I have recently gotten back into anime, finding new airing shows that I enjoy has been my primary objective. While I’m sure my taste when it comes to anime is, for the most part unchanged, my tolerance for sticking with anime I do not enjoy watching has dropped tremendously. Thus, I present the animes I am currently watching, with hopes that I have caught all the good ones and have appropriately excluded.



If I am being honest, I have never watched a long shounen anime while it was airing, only after the fact when it was completed. I was not a huge fan of this anime in the beginning, but it has grown tremendously in my eyes. Unlike other long shounen I have seen, the archs and drama grow steadily through time, as opposed to having large rises and falls of plot work and development. The characters are also respectable, as they grow steadily throughout the series both in the eyes of the viewers, and in skill. Many people wrote the series off in the beginning due to Asta’s voice, which was about as enjoyable as nails on a chalkboard until you forgot about it (which only takes about 4-5 episodes). The voice actor has vastly improved and Asta’s personality has developed, both cases pushing Asta to be a more enjoyable character, and the show to be that much more addicting. I highly recommend this series to people looking for a long haul watch.


I only picked this series up about 3 weeks ago, just before it heads into its second cour, as my trusted anime friend had recommended it to me. Frankly, I am very glad I picked it up, and will likely rewatch it after the season finished airing. The series has bold colors, unique characters, great action sequences, topped with a sprinkle of well places humor to cut through an otherwise heavy series. The show starts off with a simple premise; Itadori is tasked with consuming cursed fingers because he is the only one able to hold the ancient curse Sukuna in him and enrolls in a exorcism type school to be under surveillance and learn to fight curses. Along with the premise, the plotline is fairly straight forward, however, this anime becomes an excellent watch through its characters, bold, diverse, and enjoyable. Every time I turn on an episode, I get so absorbed it feels like I had only been watching for 5 minutes by the time it ends. Highly recommend this series!


Apparently, this started as a manga that was well loved for its ridiculousness, and I have an easy time seeing why. Honestly, this series is enjoyable at the very least, though my liking of the series was been fluctuating as I have caught up to currently airing status. It is a fun watch, but I am not sure its all that amazing, especially compared to other animes that are currently airing. Something about this anime reminds me of Dr. Stone, though I would say it is not as committed to showing the clear path of societal development. Overall, I am not sure I would recommend this to anyone, rather someone who is drawn to this specific type of anime, as a twist on typical troupes and unique setting that adds charm to an otherwise average anime.


I had no idea that the second season of Dr. Stone was coming so soon, and I have to say I am very excited for this anime. If you have seen Dr. Stone, you know that it is a unique anime, with interesting characters, engaging science lessons, and a plot that highlights mind games. Under technical understandings of this anime, it falls under some of my favorite genres. I was surprised to see that there are only 11 episodes this season, which will probably be the last, a finale of sorts. Regardless, Dr. Stone is an intriguing series that is designed and executed well, with a solid mix of interesting story and fun humor. The characters are vivid and give life to the solid base that the series is built from, presenting a good diversity, especially when it comes to Senku’s character (very unique design!). I would recommend Dr. Stone to most people, because I do think it has a little something for everyone and is entertaining to watch both weekly and binge.


I was as surprised as anyone that I genuinely enjoyed this series when I watched it on Netflix a while back. The show my sisters and I adoringly call “the furry anime” is strangely addicting, but not as strange as you might think. There is a nice love dramedy going on between an unlikely couple (similar to Ore Monogatari) but in the context of a contentious society in which predators and prey have differing roles and perceptions of society. It is a certain kind of intelligence of presenting themes of discrimination or prejudice similar to that of Zootopia, but as a love story laced further in the box of high school comedy. If you watched the same story and characters in normal animation, most people would agree that it is a pretty good anime, one that is of note- if not, at least a solid watch. The only thing you have to get used to is 3D animated animals.



There are some animes you watch because they are good, and there are some animes you watch because you enjoy them; Dr. Ramune falls into the later category. While I have a hard time promoting this anime because the plot (episodic anime) and characters (not unlikable, just uninteresting) are not particularly intriguing, it is the one that I click on to watch first when I have new episodes to chose from. I believe that in each episode there is a moment of genius, and this has been consistent. Basically, it is a series (VERY vaguely) similar to that of Death Parade, in that you have a person each episode whose emotions or actions have distorted their life and display as a physical symptom. The best part about this show is that while the problems that Dr. Ramune’s subjects face are sometimes dark and serious, the symptoms are ridiculous, and the show does not take itself too seriously as to detract from the fun. I think Dr. Ramune is fantastic because the show knows exactly how to balance serious and funny in the context of how “good” the show actually is, making it an entertaining and easy watch.


If you know me, you know that romance is not exactly my favorite genre of anime, but due to Horimiya’s massive cult following around the manga, I decided to check it out, and I was happy I did. If you have ever had a close friend, who knows you honestly, and more that anyone else around you, then perhaps this series will hit home a lot harder, as it does for me. The elements of interpersonal relationships and school-based slice of life humor are executed with the utmost grace, giving the series a depth, while also making you laugh at every turn. As I have not read the manga, I do not know what to expect next, leaving me with my eyes glue to the screen awaiting the characters next moves. Not to mention, the art and soundtrack are lovely, giving you a sense of beauty and whimsy. Seriously though, this is a damn good anime in the making, and I think it will turn out to be one of my favorites in the romance/slice of life/comedy intersection.

Thus ends the animes I am keeping up with this season! While there are a few others that caught my attention, these are what I have stuck to so far. And for those who are wondering;

  • Yes, I plan to watch the new (and final) season of Attack on Titan, however, I will first wait for it to finish airing so I can watch the entire series start to finish.
  • I also plan to watch the new season of Seven Deadly Sins, but will probably just wait until it reaches Netflix.
  • I love Log Horizon to death, but its been years since I have watched the first 2 seasons, so I will likely rewatch before I continue onto the third season. That being said, I am so happy it is back! One of the first, and most charming Isekai animes.

Let me know if there is anything else I should be watching!

HIATUS is OVER! [Official]

On July 22nd, 2016, I declared myself on a hiatus, meaning that I would not be blogging for an undisclosed period of time. After 4 and a half years, I am happy to say that I am finally in a position again where I feel I will be able to watch, keep up with, and write about anime again.

The reason for my being gone is simply that I went to college. I enjoyed my time in college tremendously, met so many amazing people, partied for weeks on end, found the love of my life, studied humans, and truly lived for what felt like the first time in my life. Now that phase of my life is over, and while I still treasure my friends as closely as anything, (especially in the time of covid) I am not able to see them very often, if at all. My permanent job search is also currently ongoing and I work only part time, leaving plenty of time to myself to do whatever I want really. In 2018 I tried to write a bit, but it was only a slump of depression that turned me towards writing again. I am happy to say that I am very neutral in my life right now, not particularly sad, nor happy, and a part of me hopes to find a piece of myself that I had largely forgotten about in the past 4 years.

So my friends, new and old, I hope to entertain you with my musings and analysis on the anime I am watching, hopefully offering insight of value.

“Aren’t you the horse from Horsin’ Around?”

Season 1, Episode 1 Everyone meet Bojack. 

For a lot of people, life is just one long kick in the urethra, and sometimes when you get home from a long day of getting kicked in the urethra, you just want to watch a show about good, likable people who love each other, where, you know, no matter what happens, at the end of 30 minutes, everything’s gonna turn out okay. 

– Bojack Horseman

This is not your average series.

Of course, I suppose that those who have not watched the series before may not be quite enchanted with the first episode. In fact, rotten tomatoes gave he first season a 65%, but the following were 100%, 100%, 97%, and 100% in the following seasons. Evidently, this is laying a lot of ground work and building character relationships that will become important later on.  Though the comedy may be obvious, the dark side of the show has yet to rear its ugly head. 

For now, lets take a moment to be captivated by the iconic intro song: 

Back to the point: 

Right from the first episode we have some important background information shown in a somewhat rigid way, though granted the message is clear. From this episode we understand that Bojack is a has been movie star from a sitcom in the 90s. He is self-depressive, cynical, lazy, and (for lack of better words) a total asshole. We first see his interaction with Todd, a squatter type of guy who has been living on Bojack’s couch for quite some time. Not much to that scene other than gathering background. The meeting with the penguin is also primarily to build plot points, so no need to dwell on it.

The first real taste we get of who Bojack is going to be is when he meets Princess Caroline (PC), his now ex-wife, but still his agent, at diner, where PC pulls the plug on their relationship. We see Bojack use misdirection, and while the character PC is pulled into this notion, the viewer is distracted by Bojack’s rambling about getting fat from eating to much bread. The fact that Bojack has trouble, or is almost unable to face any problems he encounters is a massive point to highlight, as the majority of his self-loathing and alcohol abuse is both fueled by and propels his inability to manage himself and make good decisions, resulting in his pitiful state. 

This is, perhaps, a reality of Bojack that becomes painfully clear later in the season, but also leads the viewer to reconcile with their own actions. Why can’t Bojack fix himself, even with people around him trying to help him recover and regain his fame? Why can’t I reach the things I want to achieve for myself? Why do I hold myself back? Of course, this is only the first episode, so these questions are introductory. However, Bojack’s character development mirrors that of the engaged viewer. As Bojack delves deeper into trying to understand why he does self-destructive behaviors, the viewer also asks themselves, why? Understandably, Bojack Horseman has taken off for this exact reason, and I guess my mission is to help people understand what they are feeling by telling my own stories as well. The journey is just beginning… 

Until next time loves!

xo delaney

Lets Analyze… Bojack Horseman!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, or whatever you refer to yourself as. I guess social norms have changed a bit since I last blogged frequently haha! Anyways I have a new project, as it seems that I am still getting a fair number of viewers coming through on a daily basis. I feel ashamed that I haven’t watched an anime in about a year, however, I have been busy with other shows, such Bojack Horseman. 

To make an anime comparison, Bojack could be compared to a mix of Gin from Gintama, Hachiman from My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, among other types of cryptically comedic, yet simultaneously dark characters. Him, along with many of the other characters in the series have captured not only my heart, but also have latched to the darkest parts of my own person. I truly believe watching this show makes you reflect about your life and your own actions, and in that way it has been a massive success.  

Accordingly, I have decided to create a critical analysis series on Bojack Horseman, as a way to point out the complexities of the show to help others understand, as well as to develop my own understanding of what the show means to me and what exactly I have learned. With stellar reviews (after the first season at least) of almost 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, it is a must watch! This post serves as an announcement, as well as some background on the series. Enjoy!

Wikipedia Synopsis and Premise: 

BoJack Horseman is an American adult animated comedy-drama series created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. The series stars Will Arnett as the title character, with a supporting cast including Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, Paul F. Tompkins, and Aaron Paul. The series’ first season premiered on August 22, 2014, on Netflix, with a Christmas special premiering on December 19. The show is designed by the cartoonist Lisa Hanawalt, who had previously worked with Bob-Waksberg on the webcomic Tip Me Over, Pour Me OutAlongside having a satirical take on current events, politics, and show business, BoJack is lauded for its realistic take on dealing with depression, trauma, addiction, self-destructive behavior, and the human experience.

The series takes place mostly in Hollywood (later known as “Hollywoo” after the ‘D’ in the Hollywood Sign is destroyed in a romantic gesture), in an alternate world where humans and tailless anthropomorphic animals live side by side. BoJack Horseman, the washed-up star of the 1990s sitcom Horsin’ Around, plans his big return to celebrity relevance with a tell-all autobiography that he dictates to his ghostwriter Diane Nguyen. BoJack also has to contend with the demands of his agent and on-again-off-again girlfriend Princess Carolyn, the misguided antics of his freeloading roommate Todd Chavez, and his friend and rival Mr. Peanutbutter.

I AM BACK, ish

Hello dearest readers who still tune into WordPress articles today! After a well over two year long “hiatus” from blogging about anime I have returned, but perhaps not in the same way. 

I am sorry to say that it has been at least a year since I laid eyes on anime. Although it saddens me that I do not think I will return to watching, there was a part of me that could not escape the artful storytelling that anime possesses. I see my life as a movie, but it has not been until recently that I realized it translates the best in drawn form. I do not have the skill to draw it, but after two years of college, I think I am nearing the point where I can describe how I see the world in writing, so that people may understand even a fraction of what I am trying to communicate. 

I am writing a book. This one is just a warm up to tell you a story about myself. On February 25th, 2016 I wrote a post about writing your own book, and the ideas I had circulating in my head about possible story ideas. While the files of those proposed books have been lost to a flash drive I am unable to find, in a creative drought, I dug up this blog and have decided to pursue writing once again. To be precise, I am going to write on Shinbou. 

To jog the memory: 

“A story about a man named Shinbou, who has been engineered to be genetically “perfect”. Because the researchers fear his great intellect, incredible strength, and absolute superiority, they lock him away underground to research him to profit from their fame. Smart enough to realize this, Shinbou protects himself by abandoning his humanity (empathy) and rejecting almost all human contact. The only person that Shinbou will tolerate is a male researcher named John Runzel, who is somewhat of a childhood friend. One day, a young girl from America named Rika Murphy, one of the only females to be involved in the program, joins the research team to teach Shinbou english. It comes to a surprise to the researchers when Shinbou accepts Rika. Rika, Shinbou, and John become close and are soon caught up in a storm of events in a story that tests their friendship and challenges their will to survive.  How will they rebel against and survive in a politically and socially corrupt world?”

mad scientist.jpg

Shinbou is the most recent of my story ideas, as well as the one that I might decide to pursue. As of now, I have no idea how I am going to end it. The scenes I have written about include: the moment Shinbou was conceived, how John and Shinbou became friends, Rika’s introduction, and four months after they escape. Shinbou is very sharp and intelligent, but very sensitive, while John is also sensitive, but a little rough around the edges. Rika on the other hand is naive, but a kind person with a rigid moral compass. The novel will deal with societal issues around genetic engineering, as well as moral confliction surrounding murder, drugs, and other difficult topics. I also want to work in some general romantic undertones. I am really excited about this and I want to finish it, so let’s hope I get my shit together! I started this January 2016.

Shinbou (8 pages)

Since writing this except, among the others on my old post, I have grown 1000x overs, as both a writer, and a person. It would be a waste of time to try and cover the enormity of gifts that college has given to me and my personal development. The people I have met have changed who I am, and I have realized that no matter how many books, movies, or anime you consume, there is nothing quite like watching the real thing. Thus, I am recreating the characters in the new Shinbou with the traits (both good and bad) of my closest friends. There is no one in the new book who will be born purely out of my imagination, rather they will all contain a piece of someone I know. 

The reborn purpose of this blog is to connect with lovers of storytelling, specifically those of an anime background, because perhaps the understanding of character development and analysis is more of a underlying standard in the community. Either way, I welcome the input of any and all that wish to contribute to the ideas I will be publishing. (I will probably be posting character profiles soon, and the edited premise).

Thank you for your support, in whatever form (if) you chose to give it. Love, Sloaner 

Dear Reader, My Apologies [HIATUS]

Now, I have been culprit to many large promises that I have not been able to deliver on in the past. Perhaps, this post is a resolution to and realization of my time constraints and work efforts. 

This blog is not my goodbye, but rather a call for a little break until I can properly adjust to my new school. 

On Monday and Tuesday, I had my orientation at Santa Clara University, which changed my plans. There are so many amazing, intelligent, driven, people in college, and they also happen to be loads of good fun.  Even the small handful of people I met at orientation were all people I could see myself being good friends with long into the future. 

In about two months, I will begin studying at SCU. It has come to the forefront my attention that the quarter system will be a brutal adjustment (10 week classes instead of 15). As I greatly value my education, I had already planned to cut back on anime to leave large blocks of time to study. 

Between classes, meals, socialization, exercise, studying, and (of course) parties, anime has lost its place in my list of priorities. Experiences are irreplaceable, and at this point in my life, there are tons of (now realistically accomplishable) things I can do other than anime. In this light, I will probably not be watching anime with any consistency or devotion. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 12.10.52 PM

A short history moment: I have been watching anime on and off since I was in seventh grade, but the last two years have been a crazy ride packed full of hundreds of anime. I started this blog about a year ago, when I was searching for anime and found Wrong Every Time, which inspired me to write about anime. 

I have never watched so much anime for so long. I’m burned out. Though I can hand it to these Japanese Cartoons for sharpening my sense of storytelling, production, and finding inspiration, it is time to put it all down for a while and digest, as well as adapt to my new lifestyle. 

I know I could probably keep blogging, but the quality drop would be disgraceful, and it would feel more like a job than a fun hobby (which is why I write in the first place). 

With that, I leave you all with a gesture of gratitude for your attention and support of my writing, and a sentiment that this blog is not get dead. Maybe look towards winter or spring for my eventual return to anime.

Happy anime hunting! 

SUMMER 2016 Taste Testing Part 3

And the Summer season continues! So far we have had two fantastic looking animes appear (Orange, Amaama to Inazuka), along with a whole group of good and okay animes, with just a handful of total duds.  This particular round was pretty solid, and I’m excited for the coming season!

For these blogs, I will write as much is as necessary to get my opinion across to you, the reader. I’m doing the good, the okay, and the ugly (maybe even the best if something qualifies) to break this blog up a bit.

Time to start it up! 


Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 6.41.09 PM91 Days | July 8

Now if I am being honest, 91 days is not for everyone. It is quite particular, but I find it very good. There is a calm and unforced realness the this anime contains (similar to Amaama to Inazuka and Orange), which forces the viewer to continue watching. Perhaps the drama of all three is what probes the viewer to continue. 91 Days is already working with some heavy themes like revenge, and building complex relationships to play off of the characters and events. Though perhaps one of the least heartfelt show of the season, it does present immense positive potential. At this point, I’m thinking the main enemy of this show will be falling into a cliché one too many times. Though it has avoided that so far, no promises. If it all works out, 91 Days looks like it is going to be a memorable thrill ride!


Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 7.31.40 PM.pngAmanchu! | July 8 

Don’t get me wrong, this series is really good. The slowness of it just really gets to me. I suppose that is a major pitfall when it comes to slice of life; it is so easy to be swept away in roundabout thought and contemplation that you lose the viewers attention. I do believe, however, that when the cast expands, this series will become worlds better. Right now, it’s just a little too slow and focused on “Teko”. That being said, the character development, premise, music, and visual are wonderfully and substantial. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 6.03.49 PM.pngAlderamin on the Sky | July 8

You see, Madhouse has this magical way of creating good anime. At the very least, Alderamin is visually pleasing and well executed. Personally, I think there is a ton of potential to either get really good, or be a mediocre shitter. The characters are pretty unique and avoid troups, which is a nice change. The storyline isn’t clear yet, but the anime works decently without a totally clear direction. What we need now is some good character and thematic development to bring this anime to the next level. 


Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 4.04.13 PM.pngKonobi | July 7

Aka The Art Club has a Problem! The cast seems pretty good on this one, but other than that this series is looking to be your average school romantic comedy. Not much else to say with that.

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 6.18.40 PM.pngHanda-kun | July 7

Just let me clarify: I have not seen Barakamon prior to this, but I have heard that it is very good. Now, Handa-kun does not seem like a very good anime at all right now. The first half was awful, consisting of a subpar comedy skit with characters no one cares about. The second half was pretty humorous, but the overall was not impressive. I’m looking for this series to become a solid comedy, as I can’t imagine it being very good as anything other than comedy. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 5.07.58 PM.pngCHEDC LOVE 2 | July 7

Could it be, but yes it is: SUGITA! Okay, on another note this series is just as silly and stupid as ever. The animation has taken an upgrade, and it looks like we have some new characters, but other than that this show is a hilarious, satirical, train wreck. 

Thank you for reading! There is one more blog coming with my final thoughts for summer 2016.  I hope you enjoyed my blog and happy anime hunting!

SUMMER 2016 Taste Testing Part 2

And we are back with more Summer 2016 anime! So far, we have had a pretty solid season present itself, but let’s see what else is out there! For these blogs, I will write as much is as necessary to get my opinion across to you, the reader. I’m doing the good, the okay, and the ugly (maybe even the best if something qualifies) to break this blog up a bit.

Also, I have decided to not watch the premiers of the typical school battle harem shows, since those never really turn out very good anyways.Additionally, I have decided to do a separate write up for Relife, since it premiered all at the same time. 

Let us begin!


Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 12.04.39 PM.pngAmaama to Inazuka | July 4

This anime is going to be very very good. The atmosphere is perfect, the father darling relationship is darling, and the notes of darkness work to reach the viewer emotionally. This one will be one to watch for this season. Unlike some other animes that rely on cuteness, Amaama to Inazuka has an intriguing, heartfelt narrative, that uses the cute, colorful animation to express genuine emotion in the most adorable way possible. It really wins “BEST” title, and I hope the following episodes continue with the same balance of sweet and heartbreaking. 


Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 7.59.27 PM.pngCheer Danshi | July 5

To my great surprise, this series is looking to be one of the better ones this season. I though we were looking at some typical BL ridden, sloppy, unsubstantial sports anime, but Cheer Danshi actually looks like it is going to have something good. Maybe it is just me, but I love that they are college age. It takes pressure off the anime to fall into a typical circus of high school animes. For whatever reason, this difference makes the story and presentation come off as a thousand time more life-like and relatable. The characters are also quite likable in their own way, and the humor is pretty decent. I am excited for the episodes to come! 


Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 12.25.24 AM.pngServamp | July 5

This is by all means workable. The screamo right out the gate was a little surprising, but this anime presents a decent canvas for something to happen. The one downfall for the characters is that they are cliché, but as long as they are developed right I don’t think it will be a problem. The animation is up and down, but cinematically strong in the good  moments. The story and sound are solid. The humor is also decent and I appreciate how it is incorporated into the rest of the anime well. I think overall this is just a decent anime with potential to grow into something decent. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 7.04.47 PM.pngD. Gray Man | July 4

Now, I am also conflicted as to whether I should bump this up or keep it here, but let me continue. Two main things: this picked up where it left off in a very unglamorous fashion, and the styling is different, but not all bad. One of the greatest downfalls of the original D. Gray Man is the half-assed animation. Luckily, it seems like this animation will be a vast improvement. On the other hand, the voice acting is tripping me up a lot. The voice actors have changed for a number of the characters, and presentation of the lines is far more overdramatic and off-putting than the original season. Seriously though, the voice acting has taken a hit. Also, Allen’s personality seem to be very… off to say the least. I think his voice actor’s voice it too high and the producers are trying to play him off too much as a wanna-be punk. On the other hand, the rest of the series seems to be pretty well off, so it really is a waiting game to see if the voice actors and vocal styling will settle. 


Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 12.13.23 AM.pngTaboo Tattoo | July 4

A lot of people are critiquing this anime for being painfully cliché and contrived, and I totally see why. At first I was convinced this anime belonged in the “ugly” folder. I really do see the complete and total potential to be really bad. Despite that, I think there is something quite workable and build-able here. The art is very unique, and although it comes off as eh quality, the colors fit the strong themes and storyline. The story and characters are cliche to say the least, but not too unlikable. So really, this anime actually has the potential to be really good. It took me a moment to realize, but SUGITA is also in Taboo Tattoo, so I will hold out hope that this anime follows the path of the best potential. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 12.19.17 PM.pngArslan Senki 2 | July 3

Well, this is basically the same exact show. It is a little rocky and pretty cliche at times, but Arslan Senki is a solid watch all in all. The awful CGI is back, which is a down. But, Gieve, aka the best character, is also back on screen, so hopefully the show will improve from the slump it fell into last season. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 11.56.04 PM.pngFudanshi Koukou Seikatsu | July 5

I’m not blown away, but it’s a short so I didn’t expect to be. As far as comedies go, FudanshiKS is a solid pick for this season. I smiled throughout the episode, and there is room to grow! I guess this show is much more…. straight than I expected? haha!



Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 1.00.04 AM.pngMononokean | July 5

Honestly, this anime isn’t all that awful, it just feels like I’ve seen it about 6 time. From the characters, to the storyline, to the dialogue, all the way to art and music, I’ve seen almost the exact combination. The humor is also a pretty bug let down; I couldn’t even crack a smile. So while this anime isn’t god awful, it really is not worth watching, unless you haven’t seen any school yokai animes (like Rinne).

Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 9.27.38 PM.pngScared Rider Xechs | July 5

Yeah, this anime is a real shit in the punchbowl. The animation is bland, the soundtrack not amazing, the characters are slices of plain bread, and the story lack direction and focus. I really doubt this anime is going anywhere pleasant. 

Thank you all yet again for reading my blogs! Happy anime hunting!

Josuke’s Role Model is Himself?! JoJo’s DU Ep 15

Another week with the amazing Rohan is here! 

Before I start this, I have to apologize for the delay in my taste testing blogs. I just completed Silver Spoon and it has joined the ranks of my favorite anime of all time. Seriously though, Silver Spoon (aka Gin no Saji) is a wonderful slice of life and I would highly recommend. 

Anyway, Let’s return to JoJo’s and see the resolution of Rohan and the JoJo gang

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I suppose this episode wasn’t the most inspirational or deep, but it tied up the story quite nicely. I guess there are two things I want to touch on: how the series mixes story lines, and Josuke’s little flashback (what could the resemblance mean?). 

As far as storylines go, Araki has done an excellent job of laying down a solid foundation, as shown by Phantom Blood. Though Phantom Blood is maybe the least interesting and most contrived arc of the series, it laid out a wide platform that the other series have built off of. Or rather, the series build off of each other in near secession. Diamond is Unbreakable is interesting and unique at this point because we have diverted from the family tree to look at what is (let’s face it) a bastard son. Because of this, the events that happen are no longer one after the other, but rather the events are the exact same. So what does this do to the anime? Well, for the most part, it adds complexity to a fairly straight story line. It also makes it possible to draw thematic parallels among events, like the Dio raid in Stardust Crusaders and Josuke’s illness. 

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 11.04.42 PM.png

The other thing I want to talk about is the man that serves as Josuke’s inspiration. First off all, I’m sure we all noticed the uncanny resemblance between current Josuke and the guy that helped him. Another thing about this scene are the sparkles that come off Josuke when his mom grabs him. Thirdly, the man is beaten and bloodied. He appears to have been in a fight, but appears out of nowhere and couldn’t be found afterword. Now, Morioh is a pretty small town, so you would think that Josuke’s mom would be able to find a single high school boy. 

Another thing that bothers me about that is how angry Josuke gets when the man is insulted. Now, if the unknown guy is actually Josuke who was somehow time warped to save himself be his stand powers (just run with this for a second), then would Josuke’s opinion of himself change at all? I’m not a manga reader, but I am willing to bet that Josuke will find out that he saved himself and become conflicted as to whether or not he can still hold himself (presumably) as a role model. 


Thank you for reading this week again! I will keep at it and make another hollow promise to not get sidetracked and produce blogs! happy anime hunting!